Additional Features and Common Use Cases

For most use cases, you will just need to specify the AKI definition methodology (i.e. rolling minimum window, historical baseline trumping, or baseline creatinine imputation) and the AKI-column will be returned. There are a slew of other features, some of which are listed below. For a full listing of the features and appropriate use cases, see the Documentation at

→ Adding padding to the rolling window

It’s often the case that you want to add some padding to the window to account for variations occurring on the floor (52 hour & 172 hour windows instead, for example). If the amount of padding you would like to add is the same for both the smaller and larger window, simply pass padding='_hours' filling the blank with the number of hours to add to the windows. If the pad times are different between windows, the parameters pad1time and pad2time allow you to add just this padding to the initial windows of 48 and 172 hours. In fact, if you wanted a window of 36 hours, you could even set pad1time = ‘-12hours’; this is one way in which you could modify the rolling window.

# Example 0: Adding 4-hour padding to windows

flagger = AKIFlagger(padding = '4hours')

example0 = flagger.returnAKIpatients(toy)

example0[example0.aki > 0].head(3)
patient_id time inpatient creatinine aki
12732 2020-02-24 23:42:42 False 1.61 1
19845 2020-05-12 18:02:54 True 0.76 2
19845 2020-05-14 18:02:54 True 0.89 2
# Example 0: Adding 4-hour padding to windows

example0 <- returnAKIpatients(toy, padding = as.difftime(4, units = 'hours'))

head(example0[example0$aki > 0])
  patient_id inpatient creatinine time aki
1 19008 False 2.06 2019-11-26 08:37:33 1
2 13264 False 0.75 2019-08-11 17:16:57 3
3 13264 False 0.5 2019-11-07 05:16:57 1
4 13264 False 0.63 2019-11-08 23:16:57 2
5 18752 False 1.18 2019-09-13 01:18:00 1
6 10537 False 1.34 2019-11-08 07:55:12 1

→ Working with different column names


As an additional example, the patient identifier will often come in as ‘PAT_MRN_ID’ or ‘PAT_ENC_CSN_ID’ (or something of the sort) if it is coming from a typical clinical data warehouse/repository. Accordingly, these should be passed in as options to the flagger.

# Example 1: Working with different column names

dataframe = toy.rename(columns = {'patient_id': 'PAT_MRN_ID', 'creatinine':'CREATININE', 'inpatient': 'INPATIENT', 'time': 'TIME'
                                  'age': 'AGE', 'female': 'SEX'})

flagger = AKIFlagger(patient_id = 'PAT_MRN_ID', inpatient = 'INPATIENT', time = 'TIME', creatinine = 'CREATININE', age = 'AGE', sex = 'SEX')

example1 = flagger.returnAKIpatients(dataframe)

0 12732 2020-02-22 11:42:42 64.5 True False 1.62 0
1 12732 2020-02-23 11:42:42 64.5 True False 1.52 0
2 12732 2020-02-24 23:42:42 64.5 True False 1.63 0

Say we had a dataframe which looked like this:

1 12732 True 2019-11-16 05:42:42 1.05
2 12732 True 2019-11-20 05:42:42 1.61
3 12732 True 2020-01-15 05:42:42 1.42

In order to pass it to the flagger, we need to shape our data in a way that the flagger will understand. This means converting the outpatient columns to inpatient, and specifying the names of the columns as follows

# Example 1: Working with different column names

library(dplyr) # rename function from dplyr library

dataframe$OUTPATIENT <- !dataframe$OUTPATIENT # turn the dataframe into inpatient instead of outpatient by logically inverting it

dataframe <- dataframe %>% rename('patient_id' = 'PAT_MRN_ID', 'inpatient' = 'OUTPATIENT', 'time' = 'TIME', 'creatinine' = 'CREATININE')

head(returnAKIpatients(dataframe), n = 3L)
  patient_id inpatient creatinine time aki
1 19008 False 2.05 2019-07-08 14:37:33 0
2 19008 False 1.65 2019-07-09 08:37:33 0
3 19008 False 1.58 2019-07-29 08:37:33 0

→ Adding in rolling window minimum creatinines

To add in the baseline creatinine, simply pass the flag add_min_creat = True to the flagger. This will add in two columns which contain the minimum values in the rolling window, which is an intermediate column generated to calculate AKI; the flag adds in the column which the current creatinine is checked against.

# Example 2: Adding in rolling-window minima

flagger = AKIFlagger(add_min_creat = True)

example2 = flagger.returnAKIpatients(toy)

patient_id time inpatient creatinine min_creat48 min_creat168 aki
12732 2020-02-22 17:42:42 False 1.05 1.05 1.05 0
12732 2020-02-26 05:42:42 False 1.26 1.26 1.05 0
12732 2020-02-29 05:42:42 True 1.06 1.06 1.05 0
# Example 2: Adding in rolling window minima

example2 <- returnAKIpatients(toy, add_min_creat = T)

  patient_id inpatient creatinine time min_creat48 min_creat7d aki
1 19008 False 2.05 2019-07-08 14:37:33 2.05 2.05 0
2 19008 False 1.65 2019-07-09 08:37:33 1.65 1.65 0
3 19008 False 1.58 2019-07-29 08:37:33 1.58 1.58 0
4 19008 False 1.77 2019-08-10 08:37:33 1.77 1.77 0
5 19008 False 1.47 2019-09-25 02:37:33 1.47 1.47 0
6 19008 False 1.64 2019-11-25 14:37:33 1.64 1.64 0

→ Adding in baseline creatinine

To add in the baseline creatinine, simply pass the flag add_baseline_creat = True to the flagger. Note that the baseline creatinine is not defined for outpatient measurements. Baseline creatinine can be thought of as the “resting” creatinine before coming into the hospital, so it doesn’t make much sense to define the baseline creatinine outside of a hospital visit.

# Example 3: Adding in baseline creatinine

toy = generate_toy_data(include_demographic_info = True)

flagger = AKIFlagger(HB_trumping = True, eGFR_impute = True, #Specifying both calculation methods
                     add_baseline_creat = True, # Additional parameter to add in baseline creatinine values
                     age = 'age', sex = 'female')

example3 = flagger.returnAKIpatients(toy)

patient_id time age female inpatient creatinine baseline_creat aki
12732 2020-02-22 11:42:42 64.5 True False 1.62 0.9300765849293292 0
12732 2020-02-25 11:42:42 64.5 True False 1.63 0.9300765849293292 0
12732 2020-02-25 17:42:42 64.5 True False 1.52 0.9300765849293292 0
# Example 3: Adding in baseline creatinine

example3 <- returnAKIpatients(toy, add_baseline_creat = T)

  patient_id inpatient creatinine time age sex baseline_creat aki
1 19008 False 1.94 2019-12-30 02:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 0
2 19008 True 1.41 2020-01-02 02:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 1
3 19008 True 1.2 2020-01-02 14:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 1
4 19008 True 1.4 2020-01-03 02:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 1
5 19008 True 1.49 2020-01-03 14:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 1
6 19008 True 1.71 2020-01-03 20:37:33 52.9 True 0.8806117024042 1